Rainmaker Project

On our last full day, Paul, Jack and Caryn visited the Rainmaker Project, not too far from Parrita. Read more about it here http://www.rainmakercostarica.org/ .

This was our first chance to walk on hanging bridges. They were fun, and the views were incredible.

We didn’t see a lot of wildlife, but we were happy about that since the area is home to a species of poisonous viper.






Day 23

Today Paul and Jack went white water rafting on the Savangre River. John drove them to Quepos (John’s first time driving). They had a great time. We went shopping in Quepos, bought lots of coffee from Cafe Milagro. They roast their own coffee beans in a big vat in the middle of the shop. We bought a few other souvenirs before going off to Club Roncador where we picked up Jack and Paul. The rest of the day was spent resting, playing cards and generally resting up for our trip home.

Day 22- Winding down

We had no activity plans for this day. We lounged in the pool, walked on the beach, fed our growing number of dogs (now four). Our only idea was to go out to dinner at Pito’s, a local restaurant up the road. Caryn and Paul found the restaurant on Saturday when they explored our little town of Parrita. They stopped by and talked with Jose Luis, owner, manager, and cook and thought we should try it. WHAT A GREAT DINNER! Absolutely the best food we had on our whole trip. we all had mahi-mani cooked in different ways with different sauces. I had a shrimp sauce that was exquisite, Paul had a garlic sauce, Caryn had ginger sauce and Jack and John had fried fish without sauce. All of it was great. Laura had a naturales drink, like a banana milkshake, that was heavenly. We didn’t eat until 6, so it was already dark when we arrived. since most all restaurants, including this one, are open here, i.e. a roof with supports, not solid walls, we needed lots of insect repellent.

day 21 – Parrita- Damas Island Monkey Tour

This was the highlight of our trip, i.e. a boat excursion to an estuary/ ocean inlet where capuchin monkeys actually climb into the boats. The couple who gave us information about the house and the area recommended the boat tour to us. We didn’t have high expectations of seeing the monkeys up close since they are in the wild, in their own habitat. So I was very surprised when four monkeys landed on the roof of the boat and proceeded to come in and sit on our heads, eat bananas out of our hands, etc. They were great fun, though heavier than I thought when they landed on is.

When I checked my e-mail, I found out that our air conditioner at home stopped working, so we’ll need to find someone to fix it. it seems like a long time since we’ve been home. I’ve enjoyed being away, but am getting anxious to be back.